Shipping Information
Main Function
Market Report
Daily Drybulk report
Weekly Market report
Special report
Ningbo container report
Other Report
Freight Index
KOBC Drybulk Composite Index
KOBC Container Composite Index
Ningbo Container Index
Ship Price
New-building Price
Second-hand Price
Leading the shipping market through data innovation and multiple analysis
14,318 +1.767% 253
KOBC Capesize Index
24,878 +2.87% 714
KOBC Panamax Index
9,504 +1.136% 108
KOBC Supramax Index
10,743 +0.148% 16
KOBC Handysize Index
7,813 +0.383% 30
Cape NewBuilding Price
71.89 -0.083% 0.06
Kamsamax NewBuilding Price
37.99 -0.026% 0.01
Ultramax NewBuilding Price
34.98 -0.171% 0.06
Handy NewBuilding Price
30.72 -0.13% 0.04
VLCC NewBuilding Price
124.81 -0.12% 0.15
Suezmax NewBuilding Price
83.92 -0.059% 0.05
Aframax NewBuilding Price
73.61 -0% 0.00
Cape Second-Hand Price
58.75 +0.17% 0.10
Kamsamax Second-Hand Price
32.14 -0.093% 0.03
Ultramax Second-Hand Price
30.65 -0% 0.00
Handy Second-Hand Price
24.29 -0% 0.00
VLCC Second-Hand Price
111.36 -0.125% 0.14
Suezmax Second-Hand Price
73.08 -0.3% 0.22
Aframax Second-Hand Price
64.24 -0.031% 0.02
KOBC Drybulk Time Charter Indices
KOBC Drybulk Newbuilding Price
KOBC Tanker NewBuilding Price
KOBC Drybulk Second-Hand Price
KOBC Tanker Second-Hand Price
KOBC Report Download the market analysis report of the maritime economy.
Dry Bulk Market (Daily)
KOBC Drybulk Daily Index('25. 3. 11.) 25.03.11
KOBC 일간 건화물선 리포트('25. 3. 11.) 25.03.11
KOBC Drybulk Daily Index('25. 3. 10.) 25.03.10
KOBC 일간 건화물선 리포트('25. 3. 10.) 25.03.10
Integrated Market (Weekly)
KOBC 주간 통합 시황 리포트(`25. 3. 10.) 25.03.10
KOBC 주간 통합 시황 리포트(`25. 3. 4.) 25.03.04
KOBC 주간 통합 시황 리포트(`25. 2. 24.) 25.02.24
KOBC 주간 통합 시황 리포트(`25. 2. 17.) 25.02.17
Special Report
트럼프 2기 보호무역정책과 해운산업, 위기와 기회 25.02.24
MSI Report 2024.4Q- summary by KOBC 25.01.24
2024 KOBC 연간 해운시황보고서 24.12.31
케미컬선 시장 동향 및 전망 24.12.24
Ningbo Weekly Report
Ningbo Containerized Freight Index weekly report (3.1-3.7) 25.03.11
Ningbo Containerized Freight Index weekly report (2.22-2.28) 25.03.05
Ningbo Containerized Freight Index weekly report (2.15-2.21) 25.02.25
Ningbo Containerized Freight Index weekly report (2.8-2.14) 25.02.18